Weight Loss Surgery in West Orange, NJ

Real Patients. Real Results

Welcome to Nusbaum Medical Centers. Our office offers some of the most comprehensive body sculpting procedures in the area. To learn more, give us a call today at 973.998.9833.


Dr. Nusbaum has been helping weight loss patients in West Orange, NJ reach their weight loss goals and maintain healthy body weight for over 25 years. The Nusbaum Weight Loss Centers of New Jersey – a trusted name in the medical weight loss industry – offers various bariatric surgery procedures for those patients who have exhausted other options for weight loss.

Though considered safe procedures, bariatric surgeries are not quick fixes that instantly solve weight loss problems. Bariatric surgeries require dedication to life-long changes to your diet and lifestyle, as well as regular follow-ups appointments. All surgeries involve risk and, though the benefits of bariatric surgery are clinically proven, there are always side effects. Always discuss with your physician whether or not a procedure is right for you.

Bariatric Surgery Options

Learn more about some of the bariatric surgery options our weight loss center offers. We perform many procedures that have different advantages and disadvantages. It’s essential to understand your bariatric surgery options so you can make an informed decision about which procedure is best for your needs. 

Sleeve Gastrectomy

The Procedure

This procedure is a newer alternative to laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery and lap-band surgery. During a sleeve gastrectomy procedure, the surgeon removes 85% of the stomach. The remainder forms a sleeve that serves as a new, smaller stomach. Sleeve gastrectomies are performed with several small incisions and a camera. This procedure, though newer, is covered by most insurance companies.


  • Reduces stomach capacity while still allowing for the regular consumption of food, just in smaller amounts
  • Removes the section of the stomach that produces the hunger-producing hormone ghrelin
  • It does not lead to complications surrounding intestinal bypass because this procedure only focuses on the stomach
  • Considered very effective for patients with a high BMI

Gastric Bypass

The Procedure

This procedure is considered the standard for weight loss surgeries. It is the most performed weight loss surgery in the US. The confidence in the effectiveness of this procedure has long been established in surgical literature.

The most popular iteration of the procedure is called the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This procedure combines restrictive and malabsorptive techniques to induce rapid weight loss in patients. A portion of the stomach is stapled off (but not removed). The open part is rerouted to connect to the jejunum, bypassing the intestine portion that absorbs most of the calories from food. 


  • Uses restrictive and malabsorptive techniques to induce rapid weight loss
  • Patients feel full faster
  • This leads to the resolution of comorbidities associated with obesity
  • The procedure is performed laparoscopically, so patients receive small incisions 

Adjustable Gastric Band

The Procedure

This procedure is the least invasive weight loss surgery because there is no stomach stapling, cutting, or rerouting. Your digestive process won’t be changed surgically. Instead, an adjustable band restricts a portion of the upper stomach to create a smaller upper pouch and a slightly larger lower pouch. Patients will feel fuller faster and for more extended periods of time. This procedure is also adjustable and reversible.


  • Least invasive surgery – no cutting, rerouting or stapling
  • Gastric bands can be regularly adjusted to induce weight loss if a patient starts to gain weight again
  • The adjustable band means customizable weight loss
  • Faster recovery time and less pain  

Gastric Balloon

The Procedure

The gastric balloon procedure is non-surgical and is usually performed as an outpatient procedure with mild sedation. A gastroscope is used to insert a deflated balloon into your stomach. The balloon is then inflated with saline solution and grows to about the size of a grapefruit. Patients are less hungry and feel full faster because the balloon takes up a large amount of space, leading to weight loss.

After about 6 – 12 months, the balloon is deflated and removed. The patient then continues with a healthy diet and exercise routine.


  • This is the least invasive procedure because it does not require surgery
  • The safest approach with minimal side effects
  • The balloon can be removed at any time

The Health Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

  • Besides just losing weight 
  • Long-term remission for type 2 diabetes
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Relief of depression
  • Eliminate obstructive sleep apnea
  • Joint pain relief
  • Improve fertility
  • Alleviate other medical conditions

Meet Dr. Michael Nusbaum – Bariatric Surgeon in West Orange, NJ

Dr. Michael Nusbaum is considered one of the world’s leading experts in weight loss and bariatric surgeries. In practice for over 25 years, Dr. Nusbaum and his medical weight loss team have helped more than 6,000 weight loss patients lose a combined total of 500,000 lbs! He is board certified by the American Board of Surgery, a Fellow and member of the American College of Surgeons, and a Fellow of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. 

From co-authoring textbooks on bariatric surgery procedures to appearing as a recurring weight loss and obesity expert on NBC’s Today show, Dr. Nusbaum is one of the leading authorities on bariatric weight loss surgeries. He has even been recognized every year since 2007 as one of New Jersey’s Top Docs.


Will my weight loss surgery be covered by health insurance?

Everyone’s health insurance coverage is different, but most weight loss surgeries are covered by health insurance if the patient and their weight loss team can prove the surgery is medically necessary or if non-surgical weight loss methods have not been successful.

Is bariatric surgery the right option for me?

This is a question you should address to your primary care doctor and a weight loss surgeon. Usually, weight loss surgeries are recommended for people with life-long obesity who have not lost weight through non-surgical means.

What weight qualifies for weight loss surgery?

This answer depends on several factors, but generally, patients are eligible for weight loss surgery if:

  • They have a BMI over 40
  • They have a BMI over 35 and are suffering severe comorbidities as a result of their obesity
  • They are more than 100 lbs over their ideal body weight
  • They cannot achieve a healthy body weight, even after medically supervised dieting

How much weight can I expect to lose after the weight loss surgery?

The answer depends on the surgery or procedure you undertake. Generally, after six months, you can expect to lose 30% – 40 % of your excess body weight if you have undergone more invasive procedures like a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve procedure. For more minor invasive procedures, patients can expect to lose 1 – 2 lbs per week. 

What is the recovery time after bariatric surgery?

Because most bariatric surgeries are performed laparoscopically, patients can leave the hospital after 2 – 3 days of monitoring. The rest of their recovery can take place at home and usually lasts 3 – 5 weeks. 

How to pass a pre-bariatric surgery evaluation?

Some psychological evaluations are performed on patients before being approved for surgery. These are essential evaluations that help your doctor and surgeon make the best decision. It should be noted that pre-existing psychological illnesses do not automatically disqualify patients from surgery.

These evaluations should be taken seriously and answered honestly so that you and your doctors can choose the path that is best suited for you.

How much does weight loss surgery cost?

This answer depends on the procedure, the surgeon, and the location you receive it. Expect the total cost for bariatric surgery to cost anywhere from $20,000 – $30,000; however, insurance will likely cover it.

Consider that an obese person spends roughly $10,000 more per year on health care expenses, and you can quickly see how bariatric surgery can be cost-effective in the long term. 


Dr. Nusbaum has over 250 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star reviews from his patients!


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