Doctor Supervised HCG Diet

No matter what your weight loss goals are, Nusbaum Weight Loss Centers of New Jersey is here to help you.

Doctor Supervised HCG Diet


The Nusbaum HCG diet, a rapid weight loss program available at Nusbaum Medical Centers for Weight Loss in New Jersey, is an easy program that helps women and men reach and maintain their goal weight.

Allow us to congratulate you on taking this important step towards gaining control of your weight and finding the thinner, healthier you within. Your decision to consider the Nusbaum HCG Diet, a rapid weight loss program, can impact your life in many positive ways. With proper guidance and encouragement, along with all the necessary tools, helping you reach and maintain your weight goals doesn’t have to be daunting or overwhelming.

The Nusbaum HCG Diet program at Nusbaum Medical Centers for Weight Loss in New Jersey is committed to providing you with all the materials and support you need for successful, long-term weight loss. The protocol is simple and clear-cut, but every detail matters. This is a “no cheat” diet. Although it only takes a few weeks to lose anywhere from 1/2 to 1 pound per day for women, or 1 to 2 pounds per day for men, you must follow the instructions to be truly successful. Despite the restrictions, the majority of people find the program quite comfortable and easy to stick to.


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or HCG, is a natural hormone produced by the placenta of pregnant women. One of the purposes of HCG during pregnancy is to ensure the growing baby has a constant and steady supply of energy and nutrients by mobilizing the reserves stored in the mothers’ fat tissue. The HCG protocol was developed in the 1950’s by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, a British endocrinologist working at the Salvador Mundi International Hospital in Rome, Italy. He noted that pregnant women on a calorie-deprived diet still had healthy babies. He theorized that the HCG was re-programming the hypothalamus gland (the part of the brain that deals with hormones) to utilize fat instead of protein (muscle) to protect the developing fetus. Dr. Simeons realized men and non-pregnant women given regularly timed small doses of HCG combined with a calorie deprived diet would have the same effect, mobilizing approximately 1500-4000 calories worth of stored energy, or around 1/2-2 pounds of body fat, making it available for use by the body.

Dr. Simeons summarized his observations and recommendations is a document called “Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity” and It took 10 years for Dr. Simeons to perfect his protocol. Our program is closely based on his work. There are many different flavors of HCG programs offered these days, but the most successful closely follow Dr. Simeon’s original work.


The HCG diet protocol works by telling the hypothalamus to release your stored body fat. This action is triggered by a low-calorie diet. You will eat 500 calories a day on the HCG diet (referred to as ‘VLCD”, or Very Low-Calorie Diet) utilizing very specific food. As noted above, an additional 1500-4000 calories/day will be released from your abnormal fat stores.

Despite the low-calorie diet, with HCG your body has a constant and steady supply of energy. This keeps you from feeling hungry, tired, weak or irritable. HCG also improves your metabolism. If you try to do this without HCG, your body thinks you are starving and your metabolism slows down. You become hungry all the time, and your body begins to store any calories it can get because it does not know when the next meal will come or if it will be big enough to satisfy its nutritional requirements. In addition, when you are done dieting without HCG, your body stays in that defensive mode of increased hunger, decreased metabolism, and storing all the calories it can until you have gained back all the weight you have lost and sometimes more. It does this as a precaution in the event that you should ever “starve” again, or in other words, go on another diet.

This does not happen with HCG. On the Nusbaum HCG Diet program, a natural hormone is telling your body to mobilize and utilize its own reserves, filling the bloodstream with a constant supply of energy and nutrients. This enables you to diet safely and comfortably lose an average of 1/2 to 1 pounds or more every day until you reach a healthy weight.


Because of the success of the HCG diet, there are companies coming out of the woodwork with “their” HCG. Please understand that the HCG drops you see advertised DO NOT contain any HCG! They are mixtures of supplements which are claimed to mimic the effect of real HCG. No supplement, whether it is a vitamin or herbal remedy, or homeopathic HCG, is required to obtain FDA approval or testing. When you purchase any, you do so at your own risk and no supplement can truly mimic the effect of a natural human hormone. You can test this yourself: if you are using HCG drops, do a pregnancy test. If HCG is in your system, the test (for both men and women) will be positive.

Real HCG can only be obtained through a prescription. When you purchase any supplement, you do so at your own risk. In 2011, the FDA issued a warning about over-the-counter “HCG’. The bottom line is no supplement can truly mimic the effect of a natural human hormone.

We only use the real injectable HCG produced here in the US. The dissolvable tablet available through some pharmacies is not well absorbed by a significant number of people, so we do not use these in our protocols.


Although this program can provide a rewarding benefit to most people in their weight loss efforts, it is not for everyone. If you have any of the following conditions, you will not be a candidate for the Nusbaum HCG Diet:

    • Pregnant or Breastfeeding
    • Precocious (early) Puberty

Prior allergy Hormone-related

  • related cancer (such as Breast, Prostate, Ovarian or Testicular Cancer)
  • IUD for birth control
  • Gallbladder problems, including gallstones
  • Insulin-dependent Diabetes (unless cleared to participate by your primary doctor)
  • Recent Cortisone/Prednisone use (within the previous 3 months)
  • Blood Disorder / History of Blood Clots


Dr. Nusbaum has over 250 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star reviews from his patients!


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